Recognizing the importance of Canada’s North, CMOS has established a special interest group (SIG) on the Arctic. This year, we have put an emphasis on “bridging knowledge systems”, with several special talks from scientists of Inuit descent working with indigenous communities in the North. The Arctic SIG is organizing a scientific session at the ArcticNet Annual Science Conference in December, “A Changing Arctic: Science and Policy Studies”. Abstracts are due by 14 September. Our annual Congress will be returning to St. John’s Newfoundland & Labrador in late May 2023. Special sessions related to the Arctic will be an important component of our exciting return to an in-person meeting.
We are also pleased that Atmosphere-Ocean, the principal scientific journal of the CMOS, is accepting submissions for a special issue dedicated to Polar Predictions. The special issue is a collection of manuscripts documenting observational and modeling studies on the variability of polar atmosphere and sea ice, interactions with the stratosphere and middle and low latitudes, and the predictability and prediction on time scales from days to decades. Manuscript submissions are being accepted through to 31 October 2022.
CMOS would like to thank the World Meteorological Organization, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and other partners and sponsors who are enabling the YOPP Final Summit to take place. In particular, it has been a pleasure to work with the organizing committee under the leadership of Thomas Jung and Barbara Casati. We would also like to thank Lynn Buckley and Agenda Managers for their hard work.
Finally, congratulations to the researchers, early career scientists, and their organizations for the impressive work that will be shared at the YOPP Summit.
Welcome to Montréal.
Jim Abraham
CMOS President
Gordon Griffith
CMOS Executive-Director