Centre Mont Royal
Please join us for the YOPP Final Summit Ice-Breaker Opening Reception. This will be a great chance to catch-up with old friends and make some new ones. Live music, succulent samplings of Canadian and Québec delicacies and a refreshing beverage will make this a great official start to the YOPP Final Summit program.
Thomson House, Post-Graduate Students’ Society
McGill University
3650 McTavish, Montréal
Join us for a friendly competition of science communication between researchers. Each competitor will have three minutes to deliver an inventive and engaging talk on a scientific subject in a friendly atmosphere and be voted by the audience. This event will take place at the McGill graduate student bar and is open to the public. Besides the competition, there will be ample time for networking, drinks, and socialization. More info to come.
Centre Mont Royal
Our final evening at the YOPP Final Summit will provide a relaxed atmosphere for conversation, dining and entertainment. This seated dinner will include a featured keynote panel as well as a showcase of cultural entertainment. This dinner will provide yet another excellent opportunity not only to experience the best of Canadian and Québec hospitality but to continue the important conversations that have been ongoing throughout the Summit.
Page updated: August 29, 2022.
Social Programs